New Features
Added ability to capture actual progress and plot this on top of fixed-date plans to compare against initial projections.
Accounts are now modeled individually to improve accuracy and support future development.
Created plans dashboard to track progress, select and compare plans.
Sandbox / template picker to optionally skip manual onboarding.
Results can now be visualized in either Today's Currency or Actual Currency.
Introduced international tax presets based on preliminary research of rules, rates, and brackets for a handful of countries.
Added common international investment account types for countries such as UK, Canada, Australia.
Drawdown order can now be customized.
You can now define custom tax brackets for national and local income tax and long-term capital gains.
Dividend tax treatment can now be customized and defined separately for stocks and bonds.
Added financial transaction tax (FTT) option.
Added wealth / net worth tax option.
Financial goals section has been redesigned and refactored into Cash Flow Priorities. Please update/review your data for this section.
Specific accounts can be assigned custom growth rates that differ from the plan default.
Plans can now be created with custom Starting Conditions which differ from the Current Finances section.
Plans can be assigned either a fixed start date or bound to the current date. Fixed start date plans show progress points on top in the net worth plot.
You can now choose your own custom icons to assign to any event or plan.
Many inputs can now be modeled in multiple ways, e.g. yearly taxes, maintenance, etc. can be specified as either % of asset value or amount in today's currency.
Most amounts, contribution targets, etc., can now be modeled in either Today's Currency or Actual Currency.
Defined-Benefit Pensions are now an extra option within salary income streams.
Forms with debt/loan information now show estimated years to pay off.
Added "Change in Net Worth" expansion panel to yearly summary data, listing all things that affected net worth each year.
General Improvements
Redesigned Current Finances screen.
Redesigned event card columns in the plan interface to function more like pin-able tabs.
All event cards can now be rearranged with click-and-drag.
Redesigned plan settings interface.
Redesigned themes
Added step-by-step UI tour.
Improved Monte Carlo simulation speed by about 2x.
Added preview widget during plan creation process
Added more info for failed Monte Carlo trials.
Marital status is now defined in the Current Finances section. Make sure yours is correct.
When planning as a couple, ownership can now be assigned to each account to aid with calculation of things like RMDs.
Spouse retirement age is now an additional plan variable.
Added contextual warnings when some form field values look unrealistic.
Tax-deferred contributions now always reduce taxable income even in the basic fixed/effective tax rate mode. Taxable income shown in yearly breakdown as well.
Retirement account contributions can now be "fixed" so they occur every year regardless of priority order and whether or not there is leftover income.
Cash-flow priorities can be optionally assigned a starting and ending age.
Improved chart responsiveness when changing plot type, visible datasets, x-axis range.
Added select-all to chart/dataset options.
Improved mobile experience.
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where changing state of residence affected all plans. Please update this setting in your plans.
Charts no longer interfere with scrolling on mobile.
Numbers can now be pasted into form inputs more reliably.