What are fixed-date plans? How are they different from plans that start "now"?

When you create a plan, you can choose to project from “now”, or from a “fixed date.” Plans that start “now” will always begin at the current date and look forward. They will also inherit the latest information from the Current Finances screen and use that as the starting conditions. So, when you update balances in Current Finances, plans that start “now” will reflect those updates.
Meanwhile, plans that start at a fixed date behave differently. If you create a fixed-date plan, you’ll give it a unique set of starting conditions totally separate from the Current Finances page, and projections will always start from the same “fixed date”. This gives you the freedom to do things like explore hypotheticals that deviate from the rest of your info, or simply freeze a copy of the first plan you create so you can see progress overlaid as time goes by and visualize how reality compared to your initial projections.