I logged in and can't see my plans anymore. Are they gone? How could they disappear?

Published Oct 15, 2023

Usually this boils down to one of two things:

1. Make sure you are definitely logged into the right account in PL, using the correct auth provider. For instance, “Login with Google” maps to a different account than using email+pass. And if using email+pass, double-check that you didn’t accidentally create a new account by making a typo in the email field.

2. It is possible that something in your network environment could be blocking connections to Google Firebase (e.g. if you are running a VPN, on a corporate network, etc.). If you open the browser console or network tab and check for connectivity errors, that would support that hypothesis.

You can also try logging in from a mobile device using a cellular data network and see if it recognizes your subscription there. If so, that too would indicate that something on your computer or network environment is probably blocking the connection, and then the next step would be to figure out what specifically that is. We have seen that happen a few times in the past with corporate network security appliances and VPNs. For instance, NordVPN’s web protection module has been known to interfere with Firebase.

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