It is not recognizing my trial and is still asking me to upgrade and I can't save. What's going on?
After upgrading, you should have seen the Confirming Subscription dialog. Did that complete successfully? Or did you hit skip/refresh before it completed? Occasionally it can take Paddle a few minutes to send the webhook that confirms your subscription.
If that’s not it, occasionally we have seen certain VPN products or corporate network security appliances block traffic to Google Firebase… which is lame, considering 3 million+ apps run on it. Try opening your browser console or network tab and checking for any Firebase connectivity errors. You could also try logging in with your phone on a cellular data network – if that works, then something on your computer or network may be blocking connections.
For additional troubleshooting ideas and tips, check out this help post.
If you are still having trouble, just let us know and we’ll be happy to help you troubleshoot.