Reached 1,000 customers! 🎉

Kyle Nolan
2 min readPublished Nov 27, 2022

Celebrating a major milestone of reaching 1,000 customers, reflecting on the journey with ProjectionLab, and expressing gratitude to the community that made it possible.

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As of this weekend, ProjectionLab officially hit 1,000 customers! 🥳

Today I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of the early adopters who have kept me energized and full of ideas throughout the journey so far. Without the consistent feedback and support from all of you over the past year and a half, PL might not have made it this far!

1,000 Customers

18 months ago, I remember listening to a podcast where the guest emphasized the importance of treating your first 100 users like royalty. At the time, PL had maybe a dozen, and a hundred seemed so out-of-reach that trying to implement that advice felt like over-dignifying something that was destined to remain a small side project. But building PL from that point into the robust planning tool it is today has been the most fun and fulfilling software engineering project I’ve undertaken, and I feel extremely fortunate to have seen it grow a thriving community of users who provide regular feedback and help to shape the product roadmap.

Thanks so much everyone! 🙏 I hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving holiday; and feel free to reach out any time on Discord, Email, or Twitter.

Question: do you want to see more progress updates like this? Or fewer? Let me know!


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