I Dropped to Part-Time at my Day Job!

Kyle Nolan
2 min readPublished Sep 10, 2023

Celebrating the milestone of finally reducing the hours at my corporate job to part-time.

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Big Update! I just dropped to part-time at my day job! 😎

And ProjectionLab has now reached $200k ARR.

Customers Chart

The whole first year, I put in 4+ hours every night after work, and all day & night on most weekends and holidays. For the equivalent of below minimum wage.

Bootstrapping PL as a side project has taken me:

→ 14 months to reach 500 customers
→ 7 months to reach 1,000
→ 5 months to reach 1,500
→ 2 months to reach 2,000

Even though I am shocked and elated it could ever get this far, there is still an insecure voice in my head that reminds me it could all go to zero 😬

But PL has always been a passion project for me, and the chance to formally work on something I am truly passionate about is worth a little risk.

Corporate engineering can be rewarding in its own way, but for me it has never offered anything close to the thrill and fulfillment of bringing a personal vision to life and sharing it with the world.

As I officially dial back the hours at my day job, I’ve been reflecting on how I never would have gotten here without all the support and encouragement from my new friends in the PL user base and the financial independence community! 🥹

I really appreciate everyone who nudged me to finally put some skin in the game.

This change will be a big improvement, but there is also a part of me that wonders if maintaining a part-time W2 at this stage could still be too conservative.

Who would play it differently and go all-in straight away?

Feel free to shoot me an email or DM on Discord or Twitter any time.


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